
Reb Shlomo Yahrzeit with Rebbe!



8PM till the Morning Comes...

BYOK (Bring your own Musical Kelim)


Naamah Chana Weiss!

Mazal Tov to the Minister of Agriculture and his pioneering family on the birth of the newest Daughter of the Revolution!!!

May Naamah grow proud and strong, and learn to wield the Sword of the Revolution!

"If we can't get them out, we'll breed them out..."


Rebbe on Hoshana Raba

As a field commander placed deep behind enemy lines I have grown weary. How I long to return to HQ sip some warm porridge and allow my frost bitten toes to thaw. I have entrenched myself and placed fortifications around me placed land mines that have been the poor fortune of wandering elk and often feel as if I require immediate extraction. But to where can I return? The young bucks have filled the ranks and my ax has Dulled. I can no longer contend with the fresh legs and feeble minds of the revolution. And so I hunker down for the impending spiritual frost that is sure to engulf me. To whom can I turn for solice? The candle of darkness has shown brighter then ever before and I fear that my wounds will be gangrenous by winters end. But wait.... I hear my comrades voices from their foxholes! Can it be that another poor soul with whom I shared a niggun and a banana with has found themselves a similar destination? ...............
ed. note this post was not drug induced


Early RR Release Found in Japanese Used Record Shop

A rare look at one of our early, early LP's. This album can only be found in obscure, dusty, Tokyo back-alleys, where apparently, the Ruach Revival Band was once an international sensation, even breaking into the Tokyo Top Ten with the accordian-heavy hit, Rebbe's Everywhere, off the "Rolls Along" album, pictured below.


Victory at EnRebbe

Apparently Rebbe used a certain tune while leading Neilah in the Beis Midrash. Er...