
Has Rebbe Fulfilled his Rebbe Duties?

Our friends at Wikipedia have detailed Rebbe responsibilities. They are:
Functions carried out by Rebbes

There are some functions which are exclusively the domain of hasidic rebbes:

* Reading kvitlekh Not so much, though he does occasionally read a bechina.
* Leading a tish Most definitely.
* Participating in family celebrations of the chasidim, such as weddings and brisn (circumcision ceremony) Certainly.
* Performing mitzvos etc. in the presence of their chasidim, such as kindling the Chanuka lights and drawing water to bake matzos with See previous posts.
* Leading the prayers on Shabbos, Holy Days and other special occasions When the Rubin shul snags don't get in the way.
* Delivering learned or inspirational discourses Always.

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