
Our Chabad Bretherin Step Up Big in the Fight Against The Klipa

Rabbi Baruch Shlomo Cunin shlita V.S 3 Totem Poles that many people thought resembled Avodah Zarah.
Jews: 3
Klipa: 0
Nuff Said.


Zakein Mamrei said...

Most totem poles are created only for the purpose of artistic expression; often commemorating important events, depicting lineages and legends. Even the few religiously themed ones don't involve any sort of devotional experience (as opposed to the asheira which is defined by the devotion associated to it.)

Chabad is much more of a safek avodah zarah. This is a perfect example of Chabad being kotseitz b'netiyos. Oh, and regarding Cunin's drug treatment centers, I quote a nice Jewish girl: try to make me go to rehab, I say no, no, no.

Akiva Ben Canaan said...

Come on, Dr. Berger - Chabad had good intentions, they just deified the wrong Rebbe.