
Calling all Current Talmidim!!!

URGENT, high priority communique:

There is a growing body of talmidim of Rebbe who are no longer able to physically attend shiur on a daily or weekly basis. While we at the RRRR blog understand that the pressure and responsibility of typing up summaries of Rebbe's teachings is a potentially time-consuming task, please know this:

Every time you refuse to accept the responsibility of doing so , you are responsible for the spiritual death of countless distant talmidim. Every time you think to yourself: "ech, this typed summary isn't polished, contains typos, isn't worthy to be published at all," in the supernal realm, a distant talmid of Rebbe moves further from his truth.

This is on your head, and I fear the spiritual consequences for your own soul, and for all of ours.

Please, instead, be a path (shvil) to the light of Rebbe's teachings. Our very souls depend on it.

To submit teachings to the blog, a special email address will be set up, for now, please forward any summaries to one of the contributors of this blog.

Tizku lemitzvot.

1 comment:

vanil YOGOurt said...

way harsh. you might say its a "bogus adventure, dude"