
Davening with Rebbe


After the unspeakable events that happened yesterday, many people have been asking "How are we bring Adar in with Simcha if we feel so much pain?" I also had this question, and decided that the best way to get the answer would be to go to Rosh Chodesh davening with Rebbe.
The minyan was packed with members and followers of the Revolution, as well as all of our brothers from other movements. You could tell this wouldn't be an ordinary Rebbe davening from the moment it started. During Sacharis, Rebbe's voice was filled with more intensity and concentration than usual. He spent more time than usual during the brochos of Shema, and we felt his tefilos during Chazaras HaShatz.
When Hallel came up, even more people walked in, just to hear Rebbe daven Hallel on this polar day. Rebbe used mostly slow niggunim, like "Machnisai Rachamin," "Ana Hashem," and "Ve'LeYerushalayim" for Hallel. Rebbe's voice had the longing to be close to Hashem in this difficult time, and was a very memorable experience. After Torah reading and Musaf, I wished Rebbe a good Chodesh and could see the pain and anguish on his face. At the same time, he gave me a big smile and wished me a good chodesh and good shabbos. The time was 10:00.
Only a day after this great tradgedy, I dont know what to say/do that will make anything better. All I know is that spending time davening with Rebbe provided me with Nechama, even if it was microscopic compared to the pain we feel. The closeness to Hashem that Rebbe brought to his congregation gave a few moments of clarity in this time of confusion.
I don't know if this provides any answers to anyone, and I didn't intend this to be an answer to our sfakos. All I wanted to share with our following is an experience I had with Rebbe, and be makir tov to Rebbe for providing light in a time of darkness.

May we only share in Sichas in the future.

Good Shabbos.

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