
Rav Moshe Wolfson shlita At YU

I don't know if everyone was aware, but Rav Moshe Wolfson shli'ta spoke in the YU main Bais last night (9/16). Along with some sick gematrias, beautiful yisodos on elul/life, and a clear explanation of the Sefet Yetzirah with regard to Nefesh, Makom, and Zman. Also, Rebbe and Reb Zev did an amazing job being there, especially adjusting the microphone and assuring the Rav that it was ok to speak for 5 more minutes (Rebbe was to Rav Wolfson's right, and Reb Zev to his left).

Does anyone have pictures or the audio, because it was an amazing and historic event/shiur (I have notes if anyone wants...but they are incomplete and not as good as other people's out there)


vanil YOGOurt said...

i would like some notes

Anonymous said...

Please fix the typo.

It should say slick gematrias.

Thank you