
Eretz rebbe


Just a little posting today.

This past erev shabbas was very meaningful for me. I have been thinking about the matzav in eretz yisrael a lot, but especially this past friday. I was thinking about my family members over there, I was thinking about what role I have with eretz yisrael, about how I view mitzvas yishuv eretz yisrael, etc.

i was at somewhat at a loss of what to feel or say about everything. All that thinking and just about nothin to show for it.

So what do we do when I am that point...call Rebbe.
So I call. Rebbe picks up. "Shalom Alichem Rebbe! How is Rebbe?" "Yoni, I am a shtickle in a rush, you see I am going to Eretz Yisrael very soon..."

BAM! got my answer to weeks if not years of questions. I got my answer in less than five seconds. All I needed was a shtickle Rebbe.

I bless us all to be able to make the great escape...
Frozen Yogohurt

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