
The Clopping Jews

As I waited for the clop on the bimah or some other hard surface as I took off my tefillin day, to signal the start of mussaf, and as I listened to the clop before shemoneh esraih of shacharis, to remind the rest of us to say yaaleh veyavo, I thought to myself: what kinds of Jews are the ones who take it upon themselves to clop for the rest of us? Who is the Jew that looks forward to being the first one to slam his hand down onto a bimah, siddur or anything else that makes noise?

In Fair Lawn, the yiddle who clops is a stocky man who usually grimaces as he walks and grunts at you between bites of chulent on shabbos at the downstairs minyan kiddush. This is a Jew we need on our team.


Li'get said...

As well as an official RRRR candyman...

vanil YOGOurt said...

i nominate "blue chips" liget. on condition that all he give out to the kinder is banana chip and flax seed oil pops

Li'get said...

True, "48 hours" Lig'et is already a candyman, but his specialty is gum, either bazooka or must, that he leaves in a backpack (dropped off before shabbos) with his tallis,siddur, and tehillim. It's been going on so long, that the kinder dont need to ask anymore...they know where to go for the candy.

vanil YOGOurt said...

uuuuuuuuuuuunder siege 1 and 2