As some may have noticed, shady elections were held last week for Prime Minister (aka "the ceremonial figurehead") of the RRRR.
Which begs the question:
No candidate received a majority of votes, with Yogourt finishing just one vote ahead of Anarchy. Which leaves distant third place finisher Machinegunfodder as the kingmaker.
Which begs the question:
Will Machinegunfodder throw his vote to Yogourt, or cast his lot with complete and utter anarchy?
We await your decision, field commander.
Either of those guys can serve as boss, but we all know that Zakein Mamrei is the "street boss."
Zakein Mamrei is a recluse, not a boss.
What happens if I abstain?
Does Zakein Mamrei become defacto leader? Will we all follow him into oblivion?
Following the Zakein Mamrei is a surefire path to the breakup of the RRRR...
Which may be your goal Machinegunfodder. Heh heh.
Anonymous, 7:52 AM. You sound like a big fan. Have we dated? Well, you look beautiful, but I'm still not interested.
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