
Haiku Project - Completed.

Here are all the submissions. Please vote for your favorite.

Shekhina longing,
he sings Naomi Shemer.
Rebbe’s Hallel rocks.
-Zakein Mamrei

O' cold, dark galus...
Is rebbe the mashiach?
Only time will tell.
-The Holy Poet

grapefruit banana
orange melon mango nut
He removes klipah.
-Zakein Mamrei

off to victory
we stand on Rebbe's shoulders
A sword dipped in blood
-Akiva Ben Canaan

Rebbe's Shabbos Lunch,
we taste his words of Torah,,
and beanless cholent.
-Zakein Mamrei

From the Thought of Brisk
Out Comes Holy Reshimos
Is a Real Litvak

Eight-thirty minyan,
Rebbe walks up to daven,
out by ten thirty.

Cold,Lost,and Alone?
Sing Rebbe's Entrance Music,
And He will appear.

wise eyes spark'ling,
torah, love, fruit always fresh,
rebbe is the source.

Watch Jetson's Reruns
Before and During Seder
Way to Spend a Day!!
-Anonymous Snag

snag, snag, go away
Lick the dust at Rebbe's feet
Or taste destruction
-Akiva Ben Canaan in response to Anonymous Snag

Oh impudent clown,
Know that you will not be missed,
I have a shovel.
-Kra Satan (AKA Zakein Mamrei)
in response to Anonymous Snag

Rebbe has a beard,
Rebbe sometimes wears a hat,
Rebbe is very nice.
-The Holy Poet

An Hegelian
synthesis is this Rebbe
a Brisker Chossid.
-Zakein Mamrei

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the akiva ben canaan and the holy poet are on to something...