
RRRR Summer Camp


Hello from France!
Sorry for the long lapse, but I'm way underground with amaylus in a profession filled with klipah...but can be great if harnessed correctly.
On to business...
It's that time of the year again: Applications to all sorts of summer camps are being sent out as we speak. There are a variety of trips in different locations for different reasons, but one is still lacking. That is the Rebbe Reichman Revolutionary (Boot) Camp.
Honestly. Where would you rather send your child than Rebbe Camp? There could be all sorts of classes and training for revolutionary hopefuls, like rubber chicken throwing 101, Arts and Crafts w/ our very own minister of Propaganda, and Jamborees with the Ruach Revival Band. There can also be an adult program, where RRRR members can hone their skills to serve better to the holy cause.
Obviously, there will be a long and difficult application process, since everyone is not Revolution material. Children of the Revolution are obviously welcome, and will be named Color War captains ASAP (Captain Izzy?) A location also needs to be decided (Do we go with Rebbe to Israel, or somewhere in Chutz LeAretz, like Indonesia?). Who knows? Maybe the next great RRRR member is just waiting for a chance like this to come in contact with the Revolution?
Hey, you need to get to them young, right?

P.S: Contrary to what Rebbe said at the Mela've Malke in Fair-Lawn, we all know Rebbe does have super magical powers.

Viva La Resistance!!!
Viva La Rebbe!!!


machinegunfodder said...

That's corporal Izzy. We need do have an application linked to naaleh. Children can learn how to manufacture homemade arms and will need to battle rebbe manufactured demons in the wooded area that surrounds the camp. In fact Camp Rebbe should be held on a deserted island. The first half of the summer Rebbi will spend his time teaching the young how to battle the forces of evil, and at night he will create sheidim. He will be airlifted out of camp half way through the summer and the children will need to destroy the klipos that rebbi created. There will be a variety of opponents most of lithuanian persuasion. The children will emerge at the end of the summer as soldiers of the revolution( though we will need a disclaimer as some may be maimed in the process)

Rebecca said...

How can we sign up Klilah Hamantashen Reichman Mischel? Will there be day care?

Anonymous said...

you know, watch your loshon hara machine gun fodder - the Litvaks were around teaching REAL Torah well before anybody ever heard of chasidim!

vanil YOGOurt said...

You know, litvaks and earwaks sound a lot alike. Hmmmmmm......

Judah said...

Are there positions available in the day camp? I'd love to be a counselor

vanil YOGOurt said...

...its all just a french ploy to get the clipboard and lanyard whistle holder...General Li'get?

Li'get said...

I never said anything about getting a lanyard...but the clipboard sounds nice, and I'm not a general, more like a French partisan. I dont think there are any french generals...