I spoke yesterday with a friend of the Revolution, who told me this incredible story that took place at the RIETS-Isralight seminar /getaway (My second hand retelling is not at all accurate; but does it really matter?):
At the end of the program, Rabbi Brander, Rabbi Aaron and others took questions from the Semichah guys on the issue being discussed - how to inspire people in prayer. Rabbi Aaron pointed out during this session that the use of song, and specifically R Shlomo's niggunim, can help inspire people tremendously. At this point, one of our holy warriors, Shimshon, raised his hand and asked: " how can you tell us to use the power of song to inspire people, when we who daven on Rosh Chodesh with Rebbe Reichman in Furst Hall, when we who use the power of niggun in prayer, are marginalized by the establishment at YU itself?
Rabbi Brander responded: "Things are changing; the ship is turning. It will take time, but it is inevitable..."
Try not to be charmed by brother Eisav.
YU will NEVER change!
MISNAGDIM rule the earth!
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