
Rebbe's Victory Niggun :one eyewitnesses account

In times of darkness I do not despair. When faced with adversity and all else has failed I have my Rebbe's niggun. Every true believer in the revolution knows the battle cry known merely as the Rebbe's vicotry niggun. It has become a sort of theme song to the revolution. If Rebbe had a sitcom it would play during the introduction. It can be sung at the height of our happiness, it has been proven to hasten Rebbe's arrival at weddings, and it is the ultimate weapon to achieve victory over the yetzer harah. It has also been known to shatter tables in half at weddings in the midwest. But where did the niggun originate you ask? Some say it was the theme to a sixties tv show, others claim it is the intro to an mbd song, but I know the truth because I was there! We all were there! It happened a few years back on chanukah. We were at Rebbe's house on the second night of chanukah enjoying a festive meal complete with sufganiyot and bananas. and we all began singing. (let it be known that there were many foreign nationals present at rebbe's crib that night) I began to play and it was apparent to me very early on that I was merely the kli and rebbe was actually strumming the strings to the guitar and orchestrating the melody. I know this because we began to sing a melody that I have never heard before yet I was strumming the guitar with my fingers! We began ay yay ay dei di day dai ay yay ay yay yahy yahwjvgy and rebbe began slowly revealing the ohr haganuz (hidden light stored up for the rightous people in the world to come. It shown for 36 hours before the sun was put into pplace and g-d didn't want the evil forces to tamper with it so he stashed it away. bnei yissoscher says these 36 hours are revealed during chanukah when we light 36 candles, rebbe has also told be that if you squint and watch the neros chanukah "you will see something you have never seen before". Back to the rebbe's house the klipot began to tamper with the niggun as they realized it was an existential threat to all the darkness and tried to snatch the ohr haganuz which had fabricated itself in the niggun. Hence the title victory niggun. With the nigguns birth rebbe helped klal yisrael achieve yet another victory over the satan and keep the hidden light concealed. Let it be noted that the niggun exists in a damaged state. There where three parts to the niggun. Tradition has it that the three parts corresponde to the three temples. Only two parts to the niggun were retained while the third part has been stored away until the building of the third temple.Amen! After the mesibah we produced the first raw version of the niggun at danimals pad and I will try to post that if I can dig it up in the archives, perhaps our historians can get to work on finding that and various other versions of the niggun(I think yogo has a copy of the punk rock version) and I even think shwecky may have covered the niggun in his miami beach pesach tour.

1 comment:

Danimal said...





That's all I have to say...