I was having a discussion with the Minister of Propaganda, and the following question came up: Is Gefilte P. Fish a lawyer or not? According to episodes "Goldstein, Goldstein & Fish Legal Services," as well as "Crisis in Egypt," it would seem like Mr. Fish should be Gifelte P. Fish, esq. However, due to a lack of a diploma and consistent legal practice, we are unsure. Does any member of the RRRR know the answer to this question? And if so, will he be the offical lawyer of the RRRR?
The Gefilte is in fact a member of the bar in three states. He is a true talmid of the revolution as he emulates Rebbe's (and mel gibson's)disdain for money, power and title , all nothing! Unfortunately that disqualifies him as a candidate to be the legal council of the revolution. You see it's a dog eat dig world out there. The ocean's big and a little gefilte may be to thin skinned to battle the snarks that snap their jaws at the first smell of blood. Gefilte clearly has low self esteem and a big time inferiority complex coupled with his lack of identity would put him and the revolution in grave danger (is ther any other kind?). We need some thick skinned legal council who ain't afraid to swim down to the river bed and clash with the bottom swimmers. We need a someone with a rough exterior who can play hardball yet retain his allegiance to the revolution. We need THE DANIMAL!!!!!
Danimal has not yet passed the bar.
There is, however, another...
Danimal has not yet passed the bar.
There is, however, another...
When the Danimal passes the bar...how will we determine which minister will be offical lawyer of RRRR? Fight to the Death? Herring Eating Contest? Reebe Trivia?
Umm, we could just have a "legal team". I'm quite certain the revolution will be producing enough billable hours in future years to keep not 2, but 200 lawyers working nights and weekends....
-The Danimal, from his cave of the common law.
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