Consider this: Lieutenant Templeton "Face" Peck as he is lovingly called by his A -Team comrades is probably the least significant of the famed quartet. I pity the fool who thinks that our modern day B.A.'s muscle and heavy handed tactics are not needed. Perhaps we need to take a closer look at the famed "Face".
"Integral to every revolution are Three elements, the fourth is simply eye candy"
. 1) The Plan: Every revolution is in need of a cigar totting ex-military man who can provide the blue print for a hostile takeover, and who is deceivingly agile for his age.
2) The Clown: As the job of A mercenary can often be stressful a good jester is necessary to keep everybody loose and prevent fighting, especially when he can skillfully build a super fortress out of an old van in under an hour, and knows a good witch doctor
3)The Muscle (from the Midwest) While a beardless muscle is certainly less intimidating with or without facial hair, our modern day B.A. certainly strikes fear into the hearts of Rebbe doubters, and sends silly snags scouring for their siddurs.
4) The inconsequential "Face" Is often nowhere to be found as he is off womanizing. His character was only created to draw a female viewer base to an otherwise manly show.
Ah - but as Rebbe often points out, without our holy women, we are nothing. Na'aleh!
The A Team DID have women, (Amy Allen and Tawnia Baker). Amy was a news reporter who would spin the antics of the A Team to favor them, and keep the "PROPAGANDA" machine going...almost a "MINISTER..."
So true so true.
Also, you must ask yourself, who taught BA that you have to drink your millk bc it's good for you. The values of the Ateam are all from the A team Eemahot.
In other news, I truly truly think we should start a cheder for children of the revival. it's almost cruel not to. I think if we named it Cheder Sochochov we would get the best of both worlds. We would have street cred for 13th Avenue and then with the amazing softball team coached by Bobby Kaplan we would have the respect of Cedar Lane. Think about it...
Maybe a cheder can be the field commander's next gig, after he finishes saving the souls of spoiled MO kids in Maryland
sounds good to me...we can even include some exchange studetns from japan...
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