In response to the June 12 opinion piece “Tough love for Israel would pain pro-Israel peace camp,” Dan Fleshler claims to be in the camp that wants Obama to have the political wiggle room to take a fair, even-handed approach to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians so that he won’t have to ‘get tough’ with Israel. Putting aside what Mr. Fleshler and I believe to be the right approach regarding the Jewish communities of Yehuda and Shomron, which by the way would be complete opposites of each other, how can he believe for even a moment that Israel has any choice but to take a hard stance in the face of a Palestinian population that wishes us dead? Their leaders have never abandoned their ultimate aim of destroying us, have never taken steps to build their own state, have never honored their agreements to cease aggression, and have only adopted ever-more offensive positions when Israel has withdrawn from the territories that have been turned over to them. There is no good faith shown by them and there has never been a serious attempt to implement what has been promised to date. These facts are indisputable. Now he and his J Street chevra, in the face of rising global anti-Semitism and relentless pressure on Israel, have chosen to show their “tough love” to the Jews of the State of Israel.
Here is some tough love back to my Jewish brother Dan Fleshler: He needs to get on the right side of the street and stand with the Jews of Israel. He and his friends are seriously misguided and standing with our enemies by doing what they do at this time in our history. Even his use, in his article, of the term “occupying power” in referring to Israel and “defenseless occupied people” in referencing the Palestinians shows how incredibly misled, biased, and naïve he truly is. And while we’re at it, here is ‘an inconvenient truth’ for him to consider — his notion of “bolstering moderation” in the Middle East is a good one that could be seriously enhanced by putting his misguided efforts into trying to figure out how to disarm the Palestinians who continue to attack Israelis relentlessly. We need to show the world the maximum level of achdut (unity) among the Jewish people in the face of our enemies, not his whiny, liberal, progressive apologies for why it hurts him, a Jew, to have to give Israel his “tough love.”
Howard Ben-Canaan*
Name changed to protect the innocent from snag hate mail
What would Howard Ben-Canaan's wrestling name would be?
i dont think anyone would get in the ring with him...
His finishing move would be the Shtiglitz Splas off the top rope, or the devastating Machis Bomb, or the Elbow with Cream Sauce.
Would JBV shlitah be his promoter, or would he go with a corporate sponsership?
yea, Mad Dog Malt Liq.
Would he go with the Mouth of the South Jimmy Heart, Paul Bearer, or Bobby Heanan as a Manager? Or maybe Mr. Fuji for the raw fish connection?
Liget you have way too much bikius on this subject for me to contend with
You have to remember I was once a lowly bouncer of the revolution. And my holy father took me to numerous WWF and WCW events when I was a young lad. This is only the start of my Bikius.
i only know that the Bushwackers have a poster of Poppa ben canaan on their wall. nuff said.
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