
Gan Rebbe

As the time for school year applications for next year approaches, many members of Rebbe's army are currently mulling their options for where to send their children. ASHAR, where, for decades, tender kinderlach were fed frozen pizza wheels and stapler weilding, kibbutz hardened female Israeli army veterans reigned supreme, is is no longer an option (due to fire, snags, and the retirement of Mrs. Needleman). And do we really want Trinidadian ladies tending to our sweet ones, with their yashka necklaces waving in our childrens' faces as they pick them up from their strollers?

The answer, of course, is Gan Rebbe. But while Rebbe can light up our childrens' faces with Rebbe Nachman stories in the afternoon, after shiur, who will safeguard the future of the revolution in the mornings?
I nominate Vanil Yogurt as Apple Juice monitor.

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