


As the minister of Propaganda, aka Tati, and I were talking about RRRR plans, something dawned on me. I don't know if you are aware, but there is a website called chucknorrisfacts.com. On this site, one can see all sorts of facts regarding the great Chuck Norris, like "When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris," or my personal favorate: "When Bruce Banner gets angry, he turns into the Incredible Hulk. When the Incredible Hulk gets angry, he turns into Chuck Norris. " My question is why on earth isn't there a Rebbe Reichman Facts website? I mean, c'mon! For example, quoting one of the stories hidden in the "collection of Rebbe Tales,": "Rebbe doesn't need a challah knife to make Ha'Motzi. All Rebbe does is look at the challah, and a piece immediately cuts itself." Just as the legend of Chuck Norris is embedded in society, so too should the Tales of Rebbe. Who knows? Maybe in a few years we can have Rebbe in a situation like this.

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