
Montefiore Windmill

From the Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore:

The Montefiore's pilgrimage trip to Eretz Israel, 1827:

[When they arrived in Jerusalem, Mr. and Mrs. Montefiore] repaired to the home of Mr. Joseph Amzalak [a Portuguese Jew], while the [non-Jewish] men who accompanied them took up their quarters in the Greek convent.

The Montefiores subsequently went to see the Western Wall. During their absence, the Governor sent to say that he expected Mr. Montefiore to come and take coffee, and that he regretted that Mr. Montefiore should have gone to [stay with] the Jews: if he did not like going to the convent, he would have given him a house in the city.

Mr. Montefiore, on hearing the message, said "I hope I shall ever live and die in the society of my brethren of Israel!"

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