
Rebbe Victory at YoGo's Wedding

Yogo's in the Yichud room, the rest of the chasidim are seated around a table, and spontaneously decide to fabreng. Here's a clip of some of the Nitsachon Niggun (brought down by the Rebbe on Chanukah 2005). You ask: Where is Rebbe for his niggun? The answer: Wherever you let him in.

Either we totally freaked the Rebbe out, or he was going to town at the shmorg's fruit station. Possible both. Stay tuned for the Levite Schlepper's Victory Entebbe Niggun (featuring Shooki).


Li'get said...


Big Yasher Koach for that, i fergot about that, and now remember that some Yid jumped on the table and broke it. The question is, does everyone know how it started? It was a unification of Lubavichers and Revolutionaries around the bar area regarding the drinking of a certain alchohol made from potatoes. Lechaims were made, and this happened.

P.S.: Love the MOONQUAKE siteing in the clip.
Viva La' Platapus!

Zakein Mamrei said...

Love how Liggerto gets so into it, but doesn't put his drink down for a second. What is that you're drinking? Campari?