

The Kli Yakar writes that those who wish to become prophets should first become shepherds, as they will have ample time to commune with G-d, while also learning the skills necessary to care for and lead the Jewish people. This was the path taken by some all time great prophets, such as: Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and finally, Lenny Solomon.
Postscript: I believe this photograph was taken in the fields outside of Shilo. In fact, those are Rebbe's sheep...


vanil YOGOurt said...

questions: where does sir- shlock a lot stand in the revival?

Akiva Ben Canaan said...

According to our friends over at Jawbone Valley, Sir Shlock is one of the 36 hidden tzaddikim. And a friend of Shvartza Wolf is a friend of Rebbe's.