
The Rebbe Belt Buckle...Go Up To The Mountain!

A few years ago, at a Shabbos gathering of the R4, one of the soilders showed off his new prize. It was acquired after searching through the muck and sludge of Audoban, Simcha Nick, and Wadsworth. Our friend from "south of Minnisota" had finnaly found the Belt of Rebbe. Lost for thousands of years, the power and potential of the Belt in the hands of the RRRR had only been a dream (see here...except without the whole evil, destruction, and corruption part, and here).

After hearing about this prize, I went on my own quest for the belt. After much work and pain, I was succesful in finding another Belt. During my time as bouncer, I used it to make my "mark" on our enemies "foreheads" ( like Mr. Sa Da Tay). After my promotion, i've used the belt on my forign missions to the Rocky Mountains and Vermont to show my alligence to Rebbe and for protection. The only reason why im telling you all this is we are approacing the Big Day...and you will need a weapon, and a way to identify yourself. Put them toghether, hear the call of the Quest, and be matzliach.

Viva Le Resistance, Viva Le Rebbe!
P.S: Belt pictured above is NOT actual Rebbe belt.


Anonymous said...

Five belts of fruit were given to the captains of Rebbe's Army, hidden under their rocks;

Three belts were hewn from rock of Fort Tryon Park for the Ministers of Rebbe's Council;

One belt to rule them all, one belt to bind them. One belt to shine Rebbe's light, our enemies - it will blind them.

Anonymous said...

Won't the belt weigh you freaks down when you jump for a Rebbe yachad?

Anonymous said...

Ah, but the belt does not abide by the rules of physical matter. It only adds bounce...

machinegunfodder said...

It is actually not us, but the belt that jumps on rebbe's yachad command. It has the power to heal anonymity as well(It also doubles as a wicked pair of brass knuckles),