
Rebbe on Mishpatim

Perhaps the most moving sichas Mussar I have heard in the YU beis medrash was rebbe on parshas mishpatim.(then again I think that may have been the only one I attended during my tenure at YU) Rebbe asked why is it that the the jewish slave only stays in servitute for six years and must go out in the seventh? Rebbe went on to explain that a thief is sold into slavery as part of his reformation process. He quoted the Shem Meshmuel who explains that the six years a jewish slave must work is in order to refine the six sides of himself that he has defiled, but the seventh side the pintele yid is always alive and kicking and is not suseptible to tumah. Rebbe explained that sometimes you can't reach that seventh side with a rational argument and we must employ music, and other means to grab onto that trapped inner jew, but certainly not dispose of, or have disdain for the holiest of jews. I heard from rebbe's current baal menagein the following story about a guest shiur Reb Shlomo gave to a group of smicha students at YU as well.Reb Shlomo asked the smicha students what the halacha is if a milchige lefel falls into a fleishege tefel. So they said kasher it. So Reb shlomo asked why? why don't we just throw it out? and the smicha students said back why should we throw it out if we can fix it, we can kasher it. so Reb Shlomo asked then why when a yiddishe lefel falls into a goyishe tefel do you throw him out? you can fix him too!!!!

1 comment:

Li'get said...

i remember that one...it was incredible