
Ben S'Gan Kohanim

... has agreed to begin blogging daily (or perhaps weekly to start), summarizing the most important nuggets of Rebbe's Chasidus (and other) teachings which he covers in his daily YU shiur. As the only full-time member of Rebbe's shiur who is also a member of this blog, Ben will play a vital role in keeping the channel of direct communication open with the Rebbe and his torah of the present. Though it is wonderful to reconnect with members of the RRRR who are spread throughout the world, the blog has been markedly absent of current torah from the Rebbe. I believe this should be one of the central purposes of this blog.

Ben, please accept our deepest thanks for accepting this responsibility.

We know you will not fail us or the Rebbe.


1 comment:

vanil YOGOurt said...

Danimal brings us a very good point.
I am not privy to what arrangments R(4) members have made, but it wouldnt hurt to mention that Rebbe has asked talmidim to keep in touch by phone- directly. I have heard even that talmidim should call once a week before shabbas, just to touch base.
Not only should we get Rebbe's torah, but we should forcibly extract torah from Rebbe's person.

on a side note, where is gav? not only is he the holder of one of the more extensive media Rebbe collections, but he is a good man to boot. truly disapointing.