
Heard from the river of Rebbe's lips

68) I heard from Rebbe one time that Rebbe’s mehalech was the shitah of teferet. Teferet being the blend of geverah and chesed. Rebbe explaned that Rebbe’s lifestyle was one that had aspects of the Yeshivah world and that of the Chasdidic world.
I heard from Rebbe that this was a Messianic thing because if the Jewish world wasn’t “blended” than when the Mashiach would be declared, if he was of a Lubavitch persasion than Satmar would have a hard time acceptiong that. If Mashiach was a Yeshivisg guy, than maybe the SEfardim would have a hard time accepting that. This is why if Mashiach had different aspects incoprated into his life, all camps would be able to accept him.
I heard from Rebbetzin one time talk about one of their daughters wedding which brought together different types of Jews. There were the Yerushalmi Briskers and the kipah srugah Shilo-nites. All of them brought togherhter because of Rebbe’s shitah of teferet.


machinegunfodder said...

can we get a link to rebbe's online seminary on the blog?

vanil YOGOurt said...

naaleh.com i dunno, i can ask hally...